Electrodes MEZ-65 are included in the register of PAO Gazprom

Electrodes MEZ-65 are included in the register of PAO Gazprom

After successful testing, the MEZ-65 electrodes were included in the MTR register and approved for use at PAO Gazprom facilities.

The MEZ-65 electrodes are designed for manual arc welding of critical and especially critical structures made of high-strength and high-strength alloy steels with a tensile strength of up to 620 MPa, for filling and facing passes of non-rotating welded joints of pipelines of strength class K55–K65, including those operating at low temperatures.

We would like to remind you that the following Arcus welding materials are also included in the register of PJSC Gazprom’s MTP:
💥MEZ-60 Electrodes
💥MEZ-65 Electrodes
💥MEZLB-52U Electrodes
💥ULTRA A-65 Welding Rods
💥ProTEK-60 Solid Section Welding Wire
💥Ultra 70S-G Solid Section Welding Wire
💥SMS-81N Powder Welding Wire

All of the above grades of welding materials are available for order.

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